Do Your Divorce Right Straight Talk from Family Court Judges, by Judges Andrew Horton and John David Kennedy
This book is written for people who aren't lawyers and who are thinking about going to family court, who are already involved with a family law case, or who have a family member or friend involved in a pending or active family law case.
As judges, the authors have presided over more than 10,000 trials or other courtroom events in family law cases. Law firms may find this book helpful for their clients to understand the divorce process.
Divorce is one of the most significant life changing experiences a person will ever live through. However, it is a process, not an event. The process goes on long after the legal aspects of the divorce are complete. The process operates on at least four levels - legal, emotional, financial, spiritual. This book attempts to address all of these levels in an interrelated manner.
Published October, 2011
ISBN: 9780982795538
Shipping: $7.00 per book via US Mail
Andrew Horton has been a judge since 1999, first on the Maine District Court and now on the Maine Superior Court. He is a former chair and current member of the Maine Family Law Advisory Commission, which advises the Maine Legislature and Judicial Branch on family law matters. He also is a former chair of the Maine Judicial Branch’s Domestic Violence Advisory Committee.
John David Kennedy was appointed as a Judge of the Maine District Court in 2002, and sits in the District Courts of mid-coast Maine. He received an A.B. degree from the College of the Holy Cross in 1973, and a J.D. degree from Boston University Law School in 1976. He also completed post-graduate training in negotiation theory and mediation at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School in 1995-96.
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"I am not sure what I was expecting when I read this book, but I certainly was not expecting to read it cover to cover. I did. This is a book I wish I had written and it is certainly a book that every client that walks into my office should read at the very beginning of their divorce process. Frankly, if all clients read this book, it will make the job of the divorce attorney that much easier. It is written in a manner that is easy to digest and will be an invaluable tool for anyone who goes through this difficult process. The 'war stories' that are interspersed throughout the book are entertaining and provide an enlightening glimpse into the court system.”
-Michael P. Asen, Esq., MittelAsen, LLC; Fellow, American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers