For Authors

Tower Publishing has been a trusted resource for New England's business and legal communities for decades. Our books are authored by leading experts in their respective fields, from law professors to practitioners to judges. Are you interested in getting your casebook or treatise published? We're growing, and always looking for authors wishing to partner with a small, independent publisher.
In addition to producing a world class finished product, one of our core strengths remains that of developing and implementing highly effective direct marketing campaigns. To those that understand this business, the finished manuscript is not the end of the effort; it is just the beginning of the start.
Tower offers first class personal service, unique author support, high publishing standards, and a dedicated marketing staff.
We can review either digital files or printed manuscript. Please submit the following to start a conversation:
~ A few sample chapters~ Proposed chapter outline
~ Marketing plan consisting of:
~ A competitive book overview and comparison
~ Ideas for business development (speaking, writing, target audiences, etc.)
Review time to be expected: 60 days
Manuscripts will be returned only if accompanied with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Once a manuscript is accepted, we work with the author to make the final effort a successful venture.
Please send book overviews with sample chapters or manuscripts to:
Attn: Michael Lyons
Publisher Tower Publishing
650 Cape Road
Standish, ME 04084
207-642-5400 ext 11
Here's what an author has to say about us:
"Bryan Cave has been preparing Charles Hansen and Don Lents' Missouri Corporation Law and Practice since 1989. This text is designed to be the definitive work on Missouri corporation law, as well as providing supplementary material on the corporation laws of other states, notably Delaware. It has become a massive volume, one well over 1,000 pages.
Initially Prentice Hall Law & Business was the publisher. After Prentice Hall was acquired by a division of Walters Kluwer, it discontinued publishing the book following the 1995 Supplement. The 1997 Supplement was published by Bryan Cave itself.
Bryan Cave then began a relationship with Tower Publishing, which resulted in Tower's publishing the Third Edition of the book in 1999.
Our relationship with Tower has been exceptionally good. Throughout publication of the Third edition and each succeeding edition (the Eighth Edition is the latest), Tower has done an excellent job in quickly editing, printing, and distributing what is a very complicated project. Michael Lyons has been very easy to work with, and he has been aided by an outstanding editor, Mary Anne Hildreth. On the business side, all problems (few in number) have been readily resolved and to everyone's satisfaction.
All in all, I highly recommend Tower Publishing."
~ Charles Hansen, Bryan Cave Law Firm, MO