Maine Rules of Unified Criminal Procedure with Advisory Notes & Comments
2017 Edition
We are pleased to announce the publication of a fully updated essential book for your legal library. Justice Donald Alexander, Associate Justice of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court, has edited and organized the Comments of this publication. This resource book will enhance the understanding of the Maine Rules of Unified Criminal Procedure.
► Fully updated Unified Criminal Procedure Rules reviewed as of May 2017 with amendments effective through April 2017.
► The Advisory Notes date back to the original adoption of each Rule tracking the history from the original Maine Rules of Criminal Procedure.
► The Comments provide guidance in interpretation and application of each referenced Rule.
► The Index of the Maine Rules of Unified Criminal Procedure has been updated and is quite extensive.
Published May 2017
ISBN: 9780998979809
Donald G. Alexander was appointed to the Maine Supreme Judicial Court in 1998. He previously served on the Maine Superior Court and the Maine District Court and as a Deputy Attorney General for the State of Maine. He served in Washington, D.C. as an assistant to Maine Senator Edmund S. Muskie and as Legislative Counsel for the National League of Cities. Justice Alexander is a graduate of Bowdoin College and the University of Chicago Law School.
Alexander is the author of several practice books, including: The Maine Jury Instruction Manual (2022 ed.) first published in 1985; Maine Appellate Practice (5th. ed. 2018) first published in 2003; and The Maine Rules of Unified Criminal Procedure with Advisory Notes and Comments (2017 ed.).
Alexander was an adjunct faculty member at the University of Maine School of Law from 2007 to 2014 and a member of the faculty of the Harvard Law School Trial Advocacy Workshop from 1980 to 2009. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Cleaves Law Library since 1998 and the Continuing Legal Education Committee of the Maine State Bar Association since 1992.
Alexander retired January 31, 2020. His total judicial service, 41 years, 1 month, and 3 days, is the longest active service in the State courts. Since retirement, Alexander has been appointed a Maine Commissioner of the Uniform Law Commission, a member of the Maine Commission on Indigent Legal Services, and the Chair of the 2021 Apportionment Commission.
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